Guru Peyarchi


Guru or Jupiter is a benefic planet in our solar system of planets. It takes 12 years for Guru (Jupiter) to complete its complete journey once round the full set of zodiac signs. In each house it stays for about one year. The movement of Guru from one house to another house is called Guru Peyarchi or Jupiter Transit. Significant blessings will be received by those who participate in these archanas, pujas, homams.

If Guru or Jupiter comes to the 4th, 7th or 10th houses from your lagna then you would be blessed with much wealth. If it is in your 12th house then also this would result in a wealthy position for the native.

Jupiter or Guru rules over one’s marriage, children, wealth and fortune. If during this, Guru Peyarchi or Transit Jupiter is in a good position, like being exalted or in its own house then you would become highly influential in society and would enjoy happiness in life. If Jupiter is not strong enough in your natal chart then there would be untold sufferings in your life